Blanca Browning
5 min readAug 22, 2022

hello everyone.. see you again..
CoinConnect, built a decentralized application that will present business opportunities to maximize the flexibility and fiscal options of our users. therefore this time I want to discuss the decentralized application that is owned by the CoinConnect. The internet became one of the revolutionary inventions in the 20th Century and introduced various new innovations that changed the basic aspects of life as we know it today, One of these innovations is Blockchain Technology introducing new economic trends through an innovation called CoinConnect. where this is a a new open global financial system built on Blockchain technology which is the most potential innovation in today’s internet era by becoming an alternative to obsolete traditional payment systems controlled by centralized entities website :

Gold is an advantage which has not to deteriorate for a long time, the pace of acquiring power is persistently going advanced than the available booby-trapped gold. Legitimately from the foremost starting point, gold is one of the profitable essence with high worth, and it’s over ’til now telling that respect up to date.

There’s a need to digitalize the gold in the light of the way that the world has vexed from mechanical time to a digital period. The digitalization of gold am examining is to tokenize the gold natural frame. This conviction frame delivered Digital Gold.
Digital Gold is a blockchain- grounded stage that familiarizes a digital commemorative with address the physical gold. Digital Gold idea of such an arrangement to beget a system where people can not buy, store or vend their token means. Digital Gold need to make a business community for people to execute, buy and vend gold. This phase consequently pushed a cryptocurrency commemorative called GOLD; a commemorative proposed to be stablecoin. The stablecoin GOLD is completely maintained with physical gold. There are colorful other stablecoin in the crypto space yet allowed about them are back by anything, and that’s the reason their value and cost change. nonetheless, this stage GOLD is named ‘ stablecoin ’ in light of the fact that it has an enduring expenditure. The expenditure of GOLD stablecoin is relative to the expenditure of a gram of 99 of unalloyed gold.


The gold money related authorities almost certainly encountered a couple of troubles going up against fiats e.g extension when they put assets into physical gold. This sort of circumstance has bankrupt tremendous quantities of the money related authorities and have no strategies for recouping it. Again for cryptocurrency monetary pros, there is reliably issue ensure to esteem flimsiness; the cryptocurrency cost in the market is shaky. Nevertheless, the GOLD stablecoin have supported over fiats and uncertain cryptocurrency. The GOLD is an unfaltering token that its expense doesn’t swing either if there is development or insecurity. The GOLD has an unfaltering worth that is agreed with the expense of physical gold in the market. Through the gold market pushed by Digital Gold stage, theorists can quickly buy, sell and move the advantages into their portfolio.

Focal points OF GOLD TOKEN

Contributing on GOLD token that addresses gold, you will welcome the going with:

You can buy physical gold with GOLD without paying any charges costs.

You can store your gold with a lower charges

No work area work before you could buy or sell gold

You may have been contributing to gold all these while with no insurance covering it. Digital Gold stage has teamed up with Chubb Assurance establishment( world’s topmost protection office) to assured the gold means acquired through this stage. The Chubb Assurance establishment will disguise any unlooked-for peril which may be to your proposition. The Digital Gold stage will be careful to displace any estimation of gold means lost in light of the way that everything is being defended with the Churb Protection association.

The physical gold can be taken care of wherever anyway taking care of at home is parlous in perspective on lawbreakers. So it’s reasonable to store gold in a vault. The Digital Gold is in a relationship with BullionStar to give amassing associations to the gold asserted by the guests of Digital Gold. BullionStar vault that can store most profitable essence like gold and they’ve been in the business for a long time now. BullionStar is a realized gold storing stage with a entitlement to work the nation over. guests of Digital Gold stage can buy gold with GOLD stablecoin and store it in BullionStar vault. The guests of Digital Gold does n’t pay charges for taking care of their physical gold, rather Digital Gold is responsible for it. Digital Gold banded with BullionStar in light of the fact that they’ve been sloped to be the most dependable and clear arrange that offer to amass associations to physical gold by taking care of it on their checked vault

The best technique to STORE YOUR GOLD STABLECOIN

Review that I said GOLD stablecoin is an ethereum based token. So the holders can store it in any wallet that is impeccable with ethereum (Erc-20) standard. Regardless of the way that the Digital Gold stage is endeavoring to fabricate a wallet which we can store our GOLD stablecoin yet it is a work in progress now. The other couple of available wallet to store GOLD I can recommend to us are:

MyEtherWallet Web

MetaMask Program Expansion

Record Nano S Hardware Wallet


Trezor Hardware Wallet

NOTE: Don’t use Exchange wallet for setting ceaselessly GOLD stablecoin beside it is commonly communicated and it is in like manner on its side.

Exchange TO Trade GOLD TOKEN

Become progressively familiar with progressively about this endeavor by visiting all the association underneath;

For more information:

Official Website :

White paper:




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Writer’s Details

Bitcointalk Username: Blancabrow

Bitcointalk Profile Link:;u=3090887

Telegram username : @blancawbro13

